Condensing the heart, forging the soul, honing the original intention, studying discipline, practicing diligently, and keeping the bottom line

Group News Time:2024-07-26

On July 26, 2023, the branch committee of Dezhou Sanhe Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. held a themed party day for July, with the theme of "Condensing the Heart, Forging the Soul, Refining the Initial Aspiration, Studying Discipline, Adhering to the Bottom Line".

(1) Revisiting the oath of joining the Communist Party, never forgetting the original aspiration and mission: All party members solemnly swear to make every party member remember the oath of joining the Party, use it as a lifelong standard for a communist party member, always keep it in mind and truly put it into action, strictly demand themselves in future work and life, never forget the original aspiration and mission!

(2) Study important articles by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Study the important article "Mission and Tasks of the Communist Party of China in the New Era and New Journey" by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, published in "Qiushi" (Issue 13, 2024).

(3) Original text: "Disposal Measures for Unqualified Party Member Organizations". The Party branch organizes Party members and cadres to study the Measures for the Handling of Unqualified Party Members of the CPC (hereinafter referred to as the Measures) word by word through the way of learning by the Party organization secretary, special seminars, etc., to clarify the situation of unqualified Party members, organizational handling methods, procedures and other provisions, so as to ensure that each Party branch and each Party member understand and master the basic requirements of the Measures.

(4) Conduct specialized study on road traffic safety regulations. We should combine the study and education of party discipline, conscientiously organize party members and cadres to study laws and regulations such as the Criminal Law and the Road Traffic Safety Law, and focus on studying relevant provisions related to the handling and punishment of drunk driving. We should educate and guide party members and cadres, especially public officials, to lead by example and firmly avoid drunk driving.

Through today's learning, not only has the cohesion and combat effectiveness among party members been enhanced, but all party members should also lead by example and strive to become qualified Communist Party members.


