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Case Study of Xixia Road Lighting Project in Luoyang

Case Study of Xixia Road Lighting Project in Luoyang

Luoyang Xixia Road, a two-way four lane road, adopts 9-meter lamp posts and 100W xenon lamps, with a power saving rate of up to 70%. While ensuring the lighting effect, it realizes one lamp and one scenery along the way, forming a unique lighting landscape.

Experimental results have shown that xenon lamps have the following advantages:

1、 Excellent color rendering - color rendering index greater than 95

2、 Low light attenuation - annual light attenuation less than 5%

3、 High energy-saving rate - can save more than 70% of electricity

4、 Hot Start - Repeatable Hot Start

5、 Long lifespan - effective lifespan of over 30000 hours

6、 Low instantaneous start-up rate - minimal impact on the power line, extending its lifespan